You can email me your videos,
1. Have a plain background with just your face, you can be outside
2. You can invite anyone to do this campaign with the same instructions
3. I will be cutting all the videos together into one video so we are all heard
4. In a separate video you can send me your cultural background or insight on humanity, and unity
5. If you want to do it, view more instructions below:
1. do a 20 or so second video saying your name, what you do-
“Hello, my name is- I am a (profession) that is currently working on (healings, teaching, business, project).“
2. Then you would say”
Humanity is- (Courage, Healing, connection ...)”
whatever you resonate best with, say your term for humanity.
3. Then at the end of the video say,
“We United, Together we Stand, A World Enlightened. One Human Race.”
And that’s it- email it to me
I want to do a video- showcasing
W.E. United
(World Enlightened) United
Together We stand, Divided we Fall
I want as many people as we can get to share their view of community and connection and collaboration and justice and human rights- while ending the Video in
“We United”
“World Enlightened. We are One Human Race.”
I feel like we should speak on behalf of believing in each other and seeing past the abuse- so many people are fueled by their emotions of anger sadness and discomfort- we should ignite some sort of empowerment to stand together united not blame groups of people but individuals whose actions aren’t the best- there should be a way to explain that we cannot tip each other apart every chance we get when something happens, help generations see Humanity as Beautiful.